Archive for March 2nd, 2011

March 2, 2011

Nothing Says Revenge Like a Topless Photo

by The Girl

There were a lot of great moments from Monday’s episode of 90210 (Blue Naomi), many of the caps will make their way into this week’s “Week in Pictures.” However, there is one thing that needs to be discussed. Adrianna’s revenge plan: send a topless photo of the girl who was cheating with your boyfriend to the entire school.

I really hope Adrianna has a folder of pictures of every single girl at West Bev topless. You know, JUST IN CASE they cross her at some point! She just goes into the locker room & it’s a revenge goldmine! I’m glad this is the SECOND time a topless photo of one of the main cast hasĀ circulatedĀ around school & by one of their friends no less!

Also, I have to include this because of the HILARIOUS image title: Cheating Whore. Who titles cellphone pictures? What is this, Skins Gen One?

But the real question. Does Silver even care? Remember way back when in Season 1 when she had a screening of her “movie”? Pretty sure the entire school saw her “doing the funky gibbon” with Dixon.

March 2, 2011

Quote of the Day

by The Boy Wonder